Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft: Emmy-Noether-Programm

The Emmy Noether Programme gives exceptionally qualified early career researchers the chance to qualify for the post of professor at a university by leading an independent junior research group for a period of six years. The programme is open to postdocs and junior professors with temporary contracts who are at an early stage in their research careers.

Eligibility Requirements

Early career researchers in all disciplines, normally up to 4 years after completion of the doctorate

Normally at least two years of postdoctoral experience
Substantial international research experience
Applicants from abroad are expected to continue their research careers in Germany after the funding comes to an end.
A written letter of intent must be attached to the proposal.

Application Info

Time to decistion: approx. 8 months


no specific deadline - apply any time



6 years



Level of education

Researcher with Ph.D.

Funding Types

scholarships / personnel costs

Last update


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